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Hello Neocities!

I never was good at introductions so just call me Lynx (they/them) and lets call that a day for now. Hopefully we will get to know each other more soon enough anyway!

I have been questioning for a while on whether or not I should create a blog and if said blog should be for professional or personal use. Both hold lots of opportunities regardless, but the incessant need to be productive and useful in the eyes of capitalism forever holds me down. So, I am trying to go completely against that and make a blog site that is something just for me just like the internet was all about in the 90s, except I still need to make my site readable for my own sake! I have no immediate goal with this site, no audience that I know of and no requirements for the time I spend on this, which I’m hoping is a strong start to something that should be a lot of fun.

I was originally going to create a site with one of the big guys, like Wordpress or Wix, but I found their sites to be needlessly complicated for what I wanted. I didn’t need fancy JavaScript widgets like people commenting or subscribing and I certainly didn’t want a site that looked the same as any other blog site on the internet, I wanted something that was uniquely mine. So I came here to Neocities. I’ve known about this site for a long time, yet haven’t really used it before as I haven’t had a need to host a website before now. Well, I did host my portfolio however that required JavaScript in the context of Phaser, a game engine, which from my experience didn’t to work on Neocities. (Though on further investigation, I may have been wrong about this!!!)

I didn’t experience a learning curve of any kind making this site per-say but I do think this is the prettiest site I’ve ever made and probably the site I’ve made the fastest. When designing this site as it is currently, who knows if I’ll change it in the future, I envisioned a banana split as my inspiration – now I’m thinking about it maybe I should’ve made a Pinterest board for the theming, oh well. I am very happy with the results regardless!

Again, I’m not sure what I’m going to use this site for next but I hope we all enjoy where it goes next!

13th October 2024

This is Lynx signing off~!
"If they talk behind yo' back, fart. 💨"